I never paid much attention to landscaping before becoming a homeowner. And it seems a little crazy to me that I'm having conversations with my parents about the best composting bin to buy and how to set it up with equal parts of
greens and
browns. But that's all beside the point...look at what we did this weekend! The Beasleys cruised into town and opened a 10-gallon can of woop (you-know-what) all over the yard!

BEFORE picture of our abundance of overgrown juniper bushes.

The BIGGEST worm ever!

The roots!

Making progress...

Can you believe this? It's gone! Well, it's actually in piles now in the backyard. But before we finished Erin uncovered a HUGE nest of spiders in the middle of the juniper bushes...and I saw two of the BIGGEST spiders I've ever seen in my life (NOT JOKING)...but literally saw hundreds of spiders while trying to tear all this stuff up. So so so yuck!

Goodbye to the HEROS of the weekend!