It's really hard to blog without internet access at home, so I'm admittedly a little behind. I've already been harrassed about not posting by my self-imposed Sunday night deadline (and for poor writing skills - but I have to say the last part is just a lack of sleep, I hope?!).
The good news is I just figured out how to post a collage (kind of). Well, at least it's a cluster of pictures of the progress we've made over the past 2 weeks. I think it's pretty incredible. Here's a breakdown of our work:
DAY 6 - We started cleaning the kitchen and removing cabinet doors and finished painting the hallway.
DAY 7 - We continued to clean the kitchen and started painting the dining room.
DAY 8 - We moved a load of boxes from the condo to the house.
DAY 9 - It's MOVING day! Almost a dozen friends helped pack, load, and unload a uhaul and 3 carloads of stuff into the new house. Meanwhile, parents were holding down the house, cleaning and coordinating moving efforts. After a quick lunch break Momma T and I drove to Ikea in search of window coverings while appliances were being delivered to the house.* After 3 hours, 6 stops, and an emergency rescue call home (locked car keys in trunk) it was back to the house with new window coverings, dinner, and champagne!
DAY 10 - Both moms helped make the kitchen and back entry liveable. I painted the bedroom closet and cleaned the hall closet. Dad started sanding down kitchen cabinets (what a world of difference)! Hubby bought and installed a new kitchen sink. The washer and dryer were set up and all leaky faucets were fixed. The boys made at least a half a dozen trips to the hardware store (i think they were avoiding cleaning). At the end of the day we felt like progress had been made. Our realtor Kris dropped by, brought a basket of fantastic gifts, and shared a bottle of champagne! The Johnsons also stopped by, bought us dinner and helped hang our new curtains.
DAY 13 - We're still unpacking and will be for a while (maybe months). Tomorrow we'll have a stove and Friday the Albert Lee service guys should be at the house to fix the refrigerator - so we may actually have a working kitchen!! Yay!
*Albert Lee has an awesome warehouse sale twice a year where things are greatly discounted. BUT if you buy something from them and have it delivered, make sure that the power cord is not crushed into a million pieces when they deliver it because you may be without an important appliance for days or weeks.