It's still pink, but now the bathroom is clean enough to clean yourself in!
This house stuff is exhausting! The parents just left Seattle and boy am i glad! (I can finally rest!) We spent the past 2 days scrubbing, sanding, taping, painting, hedge trimming, moving stuff from storage, buying appliances, and cleaning. I really can't believe we've been home owners for 4 days!
Everything started Friday with few big car loads of boxes to the new house, then on to the paint store for a trunk load of paint. The parents got in late on Friday night and were up first thing Saturday morning to help us hunt for appliances at the Albert Lee warehouse sale. We bought a big, shiny refrigerator and a washer/dryer set. They're getting delivered on moving day! yay!
We were able to paint both bedrooms, the living room, and most of the hallway. The bedroom closets still need to be painted as well as the dining room. Also waiting to be finished are the kitchen, bathroom, and stairway to basement.
Momma T was a ROCKSTAR and tackled cleaning of the bathroom (which i'm not afraid to say was disgusting!!) I helped a little - but complained the entire time. Seriously, it was GROSS! Originally I thought we should remodel the kitchen first, then the bathroom. I have officially changed my mind. Bathroom first, please!
We ate really well all weekend as you can see, mmm Dicks burgers! Also, the chili that Lo-Lo and A brought over was amazing - but it was gone before I could get pics!! Thanks everyone!