
Juniper Smackdown!

The final juniper takedown happened a couple of weekends ago with four of our most hardworking and seriously loving friends. It took a weed wacker, chainsaw, and six sets of crazy strong muscles to get this job done.

Rob and Stacie pulling out several roots! I don't want to be a juniper basher - but I will never, ever, ever plant this stuff.

You can't tell - but behind this huge bush that the guys dragged up the driveway, there's a 300 cubic foot trailer that we overfilled. After finishing 7 hours of manual labor, everyone showered (in the yard) and then we relaxed, enjoyed some cocktails, and ordered Tutta Bella! These are all the bottles, cans, and junk found in the bushes. Nice.We still have some roots to remove on the boulevard and there's still a weekend worth of cleaning up to do - but we feel so lucky to have such hardworking and devoted friends. We might actually have a yard and maybe even a garden by next spring!



I know I haven't blogged for a while. But it's not because I don't love catching people up - it's just that we've been CRAZY busy! We had visitors for almost 2 straight weeks!This is Roscoe. He visited from Sun Valley, Idaho, with his mom, Sara. He came with me to a soccer game. Unfortunately, Roscoe is the reason why dogs are NOT allowed on the field - he had to relieve himself half way through half time Chuckit!
And this is...Rocky! Our neighborhood, cherry eating, not-so-welcome, Racoon! There are two of them - we think. And they love to crawl up the cherry tree to enjoy the harvest!
Don't mind the oldest looking thermometer of all time. This thing actually recorded the hottest day that Seattle has ever seen. It was 103 degrees here outside and nearly 93 degrees inside. HOT!

Cherry Harvest

We have three cherry trees in our backyard. I love having fruit trees in the yard. It reminds me of picking apples with my grandparents when I was little. Two trees look like they won't last another year, but we were able to harvest over 7 lbs of cherries at the end of June! Aren't they pretty?!
(I would have posted pictures of hubby in the tree with a saw chopping down branches, but I had to hold the wobbly ladder - yikes).