After a quick trip to see our newborn
niece, (see below) we hightailed it back to Seattle in hopes of catching the last few hours of Sunday sunshine and 70 degree weather. Before leaving Portland, our parents loaded up the car with all sorts of gardening supplies. We are now proud owners of weed
eater, lawnmower, rake, and a variety of gardening tools and potted plants.
ET got his weekly dose of
exercise with the push mower - the lawn is 5 inches tall no longer! We also got to use our awesome new gardening goodies given to us by Max's parents! Our new shovel came in very handy when removing an ailing Hydrangea plant. It has been replaced with a beautiful new rose bush!

The yard still needs a LOT of work. We'll post more pictures of the roses, tulips and all the
beautiful new colors that began popping up this week!